This is a true things to be thought upon. I had been to USA and on the beaches there i was just roaming around and there i saw that each time the ocean tides came it brought many things with it and among them the most beautiful were the starfishes. the tides brought hundreds and thousands of starfish with it and left it on the beach helpless there. then there everyday a man came and threw starfishes in the ocean back and he would throw as much starfish he could as if he was the cleaner of the beach but when i inquired he was not a cleaner. he was just an ordinary man who had come to roam the beaches every evening. then immediately i questioned him why do you throw these starfishes back in the water you can never throw all of them. by the way what difference would you make to them. it would not matter.
Then that man walked a few steps right in front of me and picked up another starfish and threw it in the water. he kept on doing that and after a few minutes he picked up one in his hand and told me to look. he threw it back in the water and politely said "well it did make a difference to it, didn't it? it mattered to it right." and left the place and made me stand there and think. well he was true it did make a difference to that poor little thing.
You can do things whatever you want and you need not care if it would make a difference to the world because it has made a difference to the thing you did and that's what matters more. and if everyone would think like that it would make a difference to the worlds because drops drops make the ocean too.